Now that I know better...

What an incredible woman.

That holds so true in my life.  Especially since becoming a mother.  I am always learning.
And in my case, when I am a bit curious about something, I obsessively look into it.  So that I make decisions, so that I do better.
When I was pregnant with my oldest, the importance of organic and chemical free products, didn't really affect me yet.
And then she was born.  And suddenly, slowly but surely, I learned.
I'd like to think I'm just living a little greener; saving some money.  Some say I'm just really turning hippy.
Eh, I'm ok with that.
(Some of my cloth diapers)

I started cloth diapering because if there was one thing that irked me about babies it was spending all this money on something for them to poop in and throw out.  Literally spending money on crap.  And then when they outgrow a size before they finish the pack.. Nope, not wasting anymore of my money on that.
And really it's not hard or gross.  It's JUST a diaper.  Literally.  It's very easy. 

This is standard in our house.
Oils, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, kombucha, collodial silver, baking soda and white vinegar.
There's other things too, but in all honesty, they are normal for our household that I don't think of them as my hippy stuff, so I probably forgot to add them.
I use these for... Everything.  Really.  Cleaning supplies, medicine, bug repellents, moisturizer, wipe solution, etc.
I do a lot of natural DIY products.
Shampoo, lotion bars, laundry detergent, coffee creamer, tick repellent, lice repellent, wipes and wipe solution, chest rub like Vicks.

(Coffee creamer)

(Laundry Detergent)

I'm also a birth and post partum doula.

Again, after giving birth I realized the importance of having a strong support.
And want every mother to feel empowered and have the birth they want.

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